
  1. Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Dessins d'Enfants. Oberwolfach, 02-08 April 2000.

  2. GROSTAT VI and International School on Algebraic Statistics. Menton, 17-20 Februar 2003.

  3. Automorphisms of Curves. Workshop in Leiden (NL), 16-20 August 2004.

  4. Computational Algebra for Algebraic Geometry and Statistics. School and Workshop in Torino, September 6-11, 2004 (speakers: W. Decker, S. Hosten).

  5. Geometry and Algebra of Solvable Groups. Workshop/Miniconference, Universität Karlsruhe, 16-20 Oktober 2006.

  6. Workshop on Non-Archimedean Analysis, Lie Groups and Dynamical Systems. University of Paderborn, February 8-12, 2010.

  7. Multidimensional Geoinformation - advances in spatial information sciences towards modeling geo-processes (multiGI). Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 14-15 Oktober 2010.