General Plan of Activities
In order to achieve the goals expressed in its Terms of Reference, the WG is organising concrete activities within its
4-year time plan. Below we list our proposed activities planned up to 2012. This activity plan will be updated and augmented
Remarks and proposals, including new activities, are welcomed and should be sent to a WG officer.
Activities in the past
- Regular exchange of information with the WG members through letters.
- A dedicated website has been established and linked to the TC I website to support the work of the WG.
WG I/2 is Co-Organizing Working Group of the ISPRS Workshop High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information 2009 which will take place from Juni 2-5, 2009 in
Hanover, Germany. It is a Joint Workshop of the ISPRS WG I/4, I/2, IV/2, IV/3, and VII/2. Report about the event from Matthias BUTENUTH and Boris JUTZI in the
ISPRS Highlights and from Boris JUTZI in the
PFG Jahrgang 2009 Heft 6 (Page 561-565).
6th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology 2009. 21-24 July 2009 - Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brazil
WG I/2 is Co-Organizing Working
Group of the ISPRS Workshop Laserscanning 2009 which will take
place from September 1-2, 2009 in Paris, France. It is a Joint Workshop of the ISPRS WG V/3, I/2, VII/7, and VIII/11. 96 papers were submitted by authors from 25 countries. The papers have undergone a rigorous double blind review process performed by the members of the scientific committee. Each paper has been reviewed at least by two members of the scientific committee. 62 papers have been accepted. There were 6 oral sessions (Urban, Classification, Pattern Recognition, Forestry, Physical Modelling and Full-Waveform, Geometrical Modelling) with altogether 31 papers and two interactive sessions where 27 papers were presented. The double blind review process was supported by the WG I/2 officers Boris JUTZI and Charles TOTH.
Representation of the Working Group at international meetings and workshops, where the chairmen of the working group assumed active roles in the organization and scientific program, included the following meetings:
- International Lidar Mapping Forum 2009 in USA (scientific committee)
- DGPF 2009 in Germany (presentation)
- ASPRS Annual Conference 2009 in USA (board member, invited speaker)
- IGARSS2009 in South Africa (presentation, chairman, reviewer board)
- Intergeo 2009 in Germany (chairman)
- PhoWo 2009 in Germany (invited presentation)
- Seminário Internacional Tecnologias Digitais Aplicadas à Documentação Arquitetônica 2009 in Brazil (invited presentation)
- ALOS PI Symposium 2009 in USA (presentation, chairman, reviewer board)
- TIGIR workshop in USA (keynote talk)
Reviews and co-organizing of ISPRS Technical Commission I Symposium 2010 in Calgary, Canada.
The submitted abstracts underwent a thorough peer review process performed by the officers of WG I/2; each abstract was reviewed by three officers. 25 papers were accepted. The five oral sessions were titled:
- Data quality and performance validation of active optical systems
- Processing of LIDAR data
- Sensor systems and technologies
- SAR systems and data processing
- Advances in mapping and surface extraction
Altogether 25 papers and one interactive session with six papers were presented.
Planning and progress meetings: The working group Chair and Co-Chair met during the ISPRS symposium in Calgary, Canada to discuss and establish future developments and goals.
Representation of the Working Group at international meetings and workshops, where the chairmen of the working group assumed active roles in the organization and scientific program, included the following meetings:
- ASPRS Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS) SPECIAL ISSUE 'High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information' (publication, reviewer board)
- Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV 2010) - Symposium of Commission III the ISPRS, Paris, France (program committee member, reviewer board)
- International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2010 - July 25 - 30, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (program committee member, organized and chaired invited Session on 'Ionospheric Effects in Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Data', Review presentation on 'A REVIEW OF IONOSPHERIC EFFECTS IN LOW-FREQUENCY SAR - SIGNALS, CORRECTION METHODS, AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS')
- Representing ISPRS and the WG at LARS (Latin American Remote Sensing) in Santiago, Chile, October 4 - 8, 2010 (two invited talks on LiDAR technology and waveform).
- 3. Fortbildungsseminar Optische Messtechnik für Anwendungen im Maschinenbau 2010 (invited speaker), 14 October 2010 - Karlsruhe, Germany
- ASPRS Annual and Fall meeting (combined with Commission IV Symposium), liason to LiDAR committee.
- Representation at the invitation-only MiniSAR Workshop in Taiwan, aimed at consulting the Taiwanese Government in their efforts to build airborne and spaceborne SAR sensors
- Representation of the working group as board member of the 2nd critical design review (CDR) of the Argentinean L-band SAR system SAOCOM
- Representation of working group interests by being named Co-Chair of related International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Study Group IC-SG3: 'Configuration Analysis of Earth Oriented Space Techniques'
WG I/2 was Co-Organizing Working Group of the 7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology 2011 at 13-16 June 2011 in Cracow, Poland.
WG I/2 was Co-Organizing Working Group of the ISPRS Workshop High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information 2011 at 14-17 June 2011 in Hanover, Germany. It was Joint Workshop organised by ISPRS WG I/4, III/4, IV/2, VII/2 and supported by ISPRS WG I/2, I/5, IV/3 and EuroSDR.
WG I/2 was Co-Organizing Working Group of the ISPRS Workshop ISPRS Workshop Laserscanning 2011 at 29-31 August 2011 in Calgary, Canada. It was Joint Workshop organised by ISPRS WG V/3, WG I/3 and co-organised by WG I/2, WG III/2, WG III/4, WG VII/7, ICWG V/I. The papers have undergone a double blind review process performed by the members of the scientific committee. The double blind review process was supported by the WG I/2 officers Boris JUTZI and Charles TOTH.
WG I/2 was Co-Organizing Working Group of the ISPRS Workshop Photogrammetric Image Analysis PIA11 in conjunction with the other ISPRS working groups of Commission III at 5-7 October 2011 in Munich,
Germany. Prospective authors were invited to submit full papers of a maximum length of 6 pages. There have been 54 full papers received coming from 18 countries for review. The submitted papers were subject to a rigorous double blind peer review process of full papers. 42 papers were reviewed by three members of the program committee, whereas the rest (12 papers) was reviewed by two members of that committee. In total 150 reviews from 29 reviewers were received. The double blind review process was supported by the WG I/2 officers Boris JUTZI, Franz MEYER, and Charles TOTH. Altogether 30 papers were accepted based on the reviews, which correspond to a rejection rate of 44%. Finally, 25 of the 54 papers (46%) have been published in the LNCS series.

Charles TOTH, Boris JUTZI, and Franz MEYER at the PIA11 in Munich
WGI/2 did actively contribute to IGARSS'11 by organizing a invited session on 'Ionospheric Effects in Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Data' and chairing an additional session on "SAR/InSAR Image Extraction and Improvement Techniques", Vancouver, Canada, July 25 - July 29 2011.
WG I/2 chairmen served on Scientific Committee of the 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS) of the Intercommission Committee on Theory (ICCT) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) in Munich, Germany, 4/13 - 4/15/2011.
WG I/2 chairmen is member of Program Committee of Earth Observation of Global Changes in Munich, Germany, 4/13 - 4/15/2011.
Organizing Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Calibration and Validation Workshop in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, Nov. 7 - 9, 2011.
Representation of the Working Group at international meetings and workshops, where the chairmen of the working group assumed active roles in the organization and scientific program, included the following meetings:
- Representing ISPRS and the WG at LARS (Latin American Remote Sensing) in Santiago, Chile, October 4 - 8, 2010 (two invited talks on LiDAR technology and waveform).
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Theme Issue: Advances in LiDAR data processing and applications (publication, reviewer board).
- Kolloquium at BfG, 7. April 2011, Koblenz, Germany: Zeitgemäße Erfassung und Bereitstellung von Geobasisdaten für die WSV (invited speaker).
- Workshop at KIT, 26. June 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany: Buddhist Historical Sites from a World Heritage Perspective (invited speaker).
- Workshop, 7.-11. November 2011, Hyderabad, India: World Heritage in Andhra Pradesh (invited speaker).
- International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2011 - July 24 - 29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada (member of the reviewing committee; organized and chaired invited Session on 'Ionospheric Effects in Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Data'; chairman of session 'SAR/InSAR Image Extraction and Improvement Techniques'; contribution of three oral presentations).
- Committee of Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Calibration and Validation Workshop, Nov. 7 - 9, 2011, Fairbanks, Alaska (Co-Organizer of workshop; Chair of scientific committee).
- Chair of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRS-S) Alaska Section.
- Representative in the Western North America Synthetic Aperture Radar (WInSAR) Consortium.
- Member of the NASA SAR Distributed Active Archive Center (SAR DAAC) User Working Group.
- 2011 ASPRS Spring meeting, liason to LiDAR committee.
- Representation of working group interests by being named Co-Chair of related International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Study Group IC-SG3: 'Configuration Analysis of Earth Oriented Space Techniques'.
- Working group officer gave a workshop on LiDAR at ILMF 2011 in New Orleans, USA from 07-02 to 09-02-2011.
Awards and Honors:
Working group officer received the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2011 GOLD Early Career Award. The award was presented during the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 24 - 29, 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
Workshop Reports:
Working group officer published workshop report on 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS), Munich, GERMANY, 4/13 - 4/15/2011. The report was entitled "Qu-GOMS'11: Ein neues Diskussionsforum für die Qualitätsanalyse von geodätischen Messsystemen" and was published in the "Zeitschrift fuer Vermessungswesen (ZfV)"
Planned activities